後.街 Post-Street
新媒體藝術學系 第五屆系展
Taipei National University of the Arts
Dept. of New Media Art
The 5th Annual Exhibition
2017.10.30— 11.10(10:00—19:00)
2017.10.30 (Mon.)
北藝大 地下美術館
Media is the medium, tool and channel for information transfer. It is getting more prosperous, divers and mature as the new media (new social media) in the 21st century. New media has become as the fifth power that includes the traditional newspaper, magazine, radio, television, as well as the network medium. Information is getting exploding and diverse through digital technology that makes this world no boundary, no time zone differences, and causes everyone as bidirectional communicator. Human being’s judgment thinking doesn’t become clear nor accurate while the truth of information is getting more complex.
The Post is turning new criticism out for prior ones. Post-street means to watch the media stream by a said distance. The creators of new media are trying new methods to communicate messages continuously to awaking people by the expression of arts. The truth is only while people are awaked with media and image by the progresses and goodness of technology instead of neither manipulating nor tracing blindly.
The submission of non-theme is to express the progresses of contemporary new media. Theme submission that focuses on media judgment is new for this year. The purpose is to realize the true freedom of new media era by colliding limitation with non-limitation, breaking the boundary of media, and finding the possibility to dialogue with it.